Unconscious bias

sarahb • Jul 04, 2023

Unconscious Bias: Unravelling the Hidden Influences on Our Perception

Unconscious bias is an inherent part of being human, referring to the mental shortcuts that shape our thoughts, attitudes, and behaviours, all without our conscious awareness. These biases are deeply ingrained, forming our heuristics which affect our perceptions and decisions, impacting various aspects of our lives, from education, employment, and social interactions.  In this blog post, we will explore the concept of unconscious bias, its origins, and its consequences, and discuss strategies to mitigate its effects.

Understanding Unconscious Bias:

Unconscious bias is a product of our brain's tendency to take mental shortcuts and categorise information based on limited cues. These biases are influenced by the world around us and our influences throughout our lives but it's our early childhood where those heuristic patterns begin and upon which we build to make decisions consciously and unconsciously. While they help us navigate the complexities of the world, they can also lead to unfair judgments and perpetuate stereotypes which, when left unchecked can be harmful to others. So are your unconscious biases still serving you? Can you recognise patterns in the following that may be unhealthy?

To understand if they are helpful, its best to understand the biases we have in play at any one time.  There are various types of unconscious biases that affect our perceptions and we can be using more than one at any one time.

Implicit Association Bias: This bias occurs when we unconsciously associate certain attributes with particular groups. For instance, assuming that women are more nurturing or that certain ethnicities are more prone to criminal behaviour.

Confirmation Bias: This bias leads us to seek information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs while disregarding or downplaying evidence that contradicts them. It can hinder open-mindedness and impede critical thinking.

Halo Effect: The halo effect occurs when we form a positive impression of someone based on one prominent characteristic, such as physical attractiveness or professional success, leading us to overlook their other traits or shortcomings.

Horns Effect: The horn effect is the opposite of Halo and occurs when we form a negative impression of someone based on a negative interaction.  This could be where you've heard messages like "all red headed people are feisty" and therefore influences your thinking to believe all red headed people can be hot headed.

Impact of Unconscious Bias:

Unconscious bias can have far-reaching consequences in the actions we take, but where we see them at play most commonly is in the workplace.

Workplace: Biases in hiring, promotion, and performance evaluations can perpetuate inequality and hinder diversity and inclusion efforts. Unconscious biases may influence who gets opportunities and who is overlooked and where you may be making decisions about another in a prejudiced way.

While unconscious biases are deeply ingrained, it is possible to mitigate their impact through services and programmes like training & workshops that help individuals learn about their biases and the consequences. And the work we do as individuals to really understand ourselves at a deeper level. Who are we, do we challenge ourselves to seek diverse perspectives, do we challenge our thinking around bias once we recognise them. Do we cultivate diverse environments or do we simply reach for a culture fit not a culture add.  Challenging our own thinking is key to creating less bias in our decisions and that's pivotal to being less biased in our behaviours and fostering more inclusive cultures.

Unconscious bias is a universal phenomenon that affects us all. By acknowledging its existence and understanding its impact, we can take steps to mitigate its effects and create a more equitable society. Combating unconscious bias requires individual introspection, education, and collective efforts to build inclusive environments. Together, we can strive to recognise and challenge our biases, fostering a more just and accepting world for everyone.

If you'd like to know more about our training, workshops or indeed our culture audit that will truly show you how diverse and happy your employees are get in touch here for more information.

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